following content serves as a personal note and may lack complete accuracy or certainty.

Minimal-Mistakes instruction
Useful vscode Shortcut Keys
Unix Commands
npm Commands
Vim Commands
Git Note
Useful Figma Shortcut Keys

5 minute read


Command Description
ctrl + A Move to the beginning of the line
ctrl + E Move to the end of the line
ctrl + U Delete from the cursor to the beginning of the line
ctrl + K Delete from the cursor to the end of the line
ctrl + W Delete the word to the left of the cursor
ctrl + L Clear the screen
ctrl + R Search backward in history
ctrl + G Escape from history searching mode
!! Repeat the last command
!n Repeat the nth command in history
!$ Refer to the last argument of the previous command
process management  
ctrl + C Interrupt/kill the current foreground process
ctrl + Z Suspend the current foreground process
file and directory  
tab Auto-complete file and directory names
ctrl + D Exit the current shell(or end of input)
ctrl + S Stop the output to the screen (XOFF)
ctrl + Q Resume the output to the screen (XON)
ctrl + T Swap the last two characters before the cursor
ctrl + Y Paste the last deleted text
ctrl + _ Undo the last change
Command Description
pwd Print current working directory.
ls List files in the current directory.
ls -a list all files including hidden files
ls -lh formatted list including more data
ls -t list sorted by date
cd [directory] Change directory.
cd .. Move to the parent directory.
cd / Move to root directory
cd ~ Move to the home directory.

File Operation

Command Description
cp [source] [destination] Copy files/directories.
mv [source] [destination] Move/rename files/directories.
rm [file] Remove/delete files.
rm -r [dir] Delete a directory and its files
mkdir [directory] Create a new directory.
rmdir [directory] Remove an empty directory.
touch [file] Create an empty file.
cat [file] Display the content of a file.
cat [file1] [file2] > [file3] Merge files 1 and 2 into file3
more [file] or less [file] Display content one screen at a time.
less -N [file] Include line numbers
less -S [file] Wrap long lines
man {command} Display commands manual
apt-get install Install applications in linux
head [file] Display the first few lines of a file.
head -n 5 [file] Display first five lines from a file
tail [file] Display the last few lines of a file.
tail -n 5 [file] Display last five lines from a file.

Text Handling

Command Description
echo [message] Display a message.
grep [pattern] [file] Search for a pattern in files.
sed 's/pattern/replacement/' [file] Stream Editor for text replacement.
awk '{print $1}' [file] Text processing and pattern matching.
sort [file] Sort lines of text files.
uniq [file] Remove duplicate lines from a sorted file.
cut -f [fields] [file] Remove sections from each line of a file.
tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' < [file] Translate or delete characters.
wc [file] Count lines, words, and characters in a file.
paste file1 file2 Merge lines of files.
comm file1 file2 Compare two sorted files line by line.
tee file1 file2 Redirect output to multiple files.
fmt [file] Reformat paragraph text.
nano [file] A simple text editor
vim [file] A powerful text editor


Command Description
tar -cvf archive.tar [files/directories] Create a tar archive.
gzip [file] Compress a file using gzip.
gunzip [file.gz] Decompress a gzip-compressed file.
bzip2 [file] Compress a file using bzip2.
bunzip2 [file.bz2] Decompress a bzip2-compressed file.
xz [file] Compress a file using xz.
unxz [file.xz] Decompress an xz-compressed file.
zip [] [files/directories] Create a zip archive.
unzip [] Extract files from a zip archive.


Command Description
ping [hostname or IP] Test network connectivity.
traceroute [hostname or IP] Display the route packets take to reach a destination.
wget [url] Download a file from an url
wget -c [url] Continue a stopped download
nslookup [hostname or IP] Query DNS information.
dig [hostname or IP] DNS lookup utility.
ifconfig or ip a Display network interfaces.
netstat or ss Display network connections.
ssh [user@]hostname Connect to a remote server securely.
scp [file] [user@]hostname:[destination] Securely copy files between hosts.
telnet [hostname or IP] [port] User interface to the TELNET protocol.
hostname Display or set the system’s host name
nc [hostname or IP] [port] Netcat - TCP/IP Swiss Army knife.
route Display or manipulate the IP routing table
curl {url} A command-line tool for making HTTP requests
iptables {options} Tool to manage kernel Netfilter firewall rules

Process Management

Command Description
ps Display your currently active processes
ps aux Display information about running processes.
top or htop Display real-time system information and processes.
kill [PID] Terminate a process.
killall [process_name] Terminate all processes with a specific name.
pkill [process_name] Terminate processes based on their name.
nice [command] Run a command with modified scheduling priority.
renice [priority] [PID] Change the priority of a running process.
pgrep [process_name] Return process IDs based on their name.
pmap [PID] Display the memory map of a process.
pstree Display running processes in a tree-like structure.
jobs List background jobs in the current shell session.
bg [job_number] Put a suspended job in the background.
fg [job_number] Bring a background job to the foreground.


Command Description
find [directory] -name [filename] Search for files and directories.
grep [pattern] [file] Search for a pattern in files.
locate [filename] Quickly find the location of files.
which [command] Show the full path of an executable.
whereis [command] Locate the binary, source, and manual page files.
ag [pattern] [directory] A faster code searching tool.
rg [pattern] [directory] A line-oriented search tool.
grep -r [pattern] [directory] Recursively search for a pattern in files.
find [directory] -exec [command] {} \; Find files by name and execute a command on each file.
grep -i [pattern] [file] Search for a pattern in a case-insensitive manner.
grep -n [pattern] [file] Show line numbers along with matching lines.
grep -A 2 -B 2 [pattern] [file] Display lines of context around matching lines.

System Information

Command Description
date Display the current date and time
cal Display this month’s calendar
uname -a Display system information.
hostname Display the system hostname.
lsb_release -a Display distribution-specific information.
top or htop Display real-time system information and processes.
w Display who is online
whoami Who you are logged in as
finger {user} Display information about user
uname -a Display kernel information
free -m Display memory usage.
df -h Display disk space usage.
uptime Display system uptime and load average.
ifconfig or ip a Display network interfaces.
dmesg Display kernel ring buffer.
lshw Display detailed hardware configuration.
lscpu Display CPU information.
lsusb Display USB devices.
lspci Display PCI devices.