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Minimal-Mistakes instruction
Useful vscode Shortcut Keys
Unix Commands
npm Commands
Vim Commands
Git Note
Useful Figma Shortcut Keys

1 minute read


Generally create templates directory in app’s directory and create app’s directory again in templates directory and create HTML file in that. project

└── project

└── app

└── templates

    └── app   

        └── index.html
<h2>Hello django</h2>
<p> hello</p>

After you run the server, you see the index page at ‘

Static files

Create static/app-name/ in app’s directory and these will manage inside of it(css, images, font, etc).

Go to index.html and add

{% load static %}

at very top so that this file is using the static files.

After, to get the files like img or css,

<link rel="stylesheet" href={% static 'foods/css/styles.css' %}> <img src={%
static 'foods/images/chicken.jpg' %}/>


Parent Template

<!-- base.html -->
{% load static %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href={% static 'foods/css/styles.css' %}>
    <div>{% block date-block %}</div>
    <div>{% endblock date-block %}</div>
    <hr />

    <div class="food-container">
      {% block food-container %} {% endblock food-container %}

Child Template

<!-- index.html -->
{% extends './base.html' %} {% load static %} {% block date-block%}
<div>26 June, 2024</div>
{% endblock date-block%} {% block food-container%}
<div class="food">
  <img src={% static 'foods/images/chicken.jpg' %}/>
  <div class="info"></div>

<div class="food">
  <img src={% static 'foods/images/sushi.jpg' %}/>
  <div class="info"></div>

<div class="food">
  <img src={% static 'foods/images/burger.jpg' %}/>
  <div class="info"></div>

<div class="food">
  <img src={% static 'foods/images/bibimbap.jpg' %}/>
  <div class="info"></div>

<div class="food">
  <img src={% static 'foods/images/croquette.jpg' %}/>
  <div class="info"></div>

<div class="food">
  <img src={% static 'foods/images/pumpkin_soup.jpg' %}/>
  <div class="info"></div>

<div class="food">
  <img src={% static 'foods/images/banana.jpg' %}/>
  <div class="info"></div>
{% endblock food-container%}

Pass variable to html


def index(request):
    today =
    contextv = {"date": today} # key: value
    return render(request, 'foods/index.html', context=contextv)
<!-- index.html -->

{% block date-block%}
{% endblock date-block%}

Dynamic URL

urlpatterns = [
    path('index/', views.index),
    path('menu/<str:food>/', views.food_detail, name='food-detail'),

This ‘food’ variable can be passed to

def food_detail(request, food):
    context = {"name":food}
    return render(request, 'foods/detail.html', context=context)

food parameter here.

Now, create detail.html file in templates and

<!-- detail.html -->


Use Static file in Dynamic file

You need {% get_static_prefix%} to use it

<!-- e.g. -->
<img src={% get_static_prefix%}{{img}} />

404 page

from django.http import Http404

if food == 'chicken':
    context["name"] = "chicken"
    context["description"] = "chiken des"
    context["price"] = 12
    context["img"] = "foods/images/chicken.jpg"
elif food == 'beef':
    context["name"] = "beef"
    raise Http404("no food")


