following content serves as a personal note and may lack complete accuracy or certainty.

Minimal-Mistakes instruction
Useful vscode Shortcut Keys
Unix Commands
npm Commands
Vim Commands
Git Note
Useful Figma Shortcut Keys

2 minute read


mouse events

Event Type Description
mousedown Mouse button is pressed.
mouseup Mouse button is released.
click Left button is clicked.
dblclick Left button is quickly double-clicked.
contextmenu Right button is clicked, typically to open a context menu.
mousemove Mouse is being moved.
mouseover Mouse pointer moves over an element.
mouseout Mouse pointer moves out of an element.
mouseenter Mouse pointer enters an element (bubbling not occured).
mouseleave Mouse pointer leaves an element (bubbling not occured).

keyboard events

Event Type Description
keydown Key on the keyboard is pressed.
keypress Visible output keys like ‘a’, ‘5’, ignores non-printable keys like Shift, Esc.
keyup Key on the keyboard is released after being pressed.

focus events

Event Type Description
focusin Focus is given to an element.
focusout Focus is taken away from an element.
focus Focus is given to an element (bubbling not occured).
blur Focus is taken away from an element (bubbling not occured).

input events

Event Type Description
change Input value changes.
input Value is being entered.
select One option in an input form is selected.
submit Form is submitted.

scroll event

Event Type Description
scroll scroll bar is moving

window event

Event Type Description
resize window size is changing

event object properties

common properties

Property Description
type The event name (‘click’, ‘mouseup’, ‘keydown’, etc.)
target The element on which the event occurred
currentTarget The element to which the event handler is attached
timeStamp The time when the event occurred (in milliseconds since the page loaded)
bubbles A boolean value indicating whether the event is a bubbling event

mouse events

Property Description
button The mouse button pressed (0: left, 1: middle (wheel), 2: right)
clientX, clientY The position of the mouse cursor in the browser viewport
pageX, pageY The position of the mouse cursor in the document area
offsetX, offsetY The position of the mouse cursor relative to the event’s target element
screenX, screenY The position of the mouse cursor on the monitor screen
altKey Whether the alt key was pressed when the event occurred
ctrlKey Whether the ctrl key was pressed when the event occurred
shiftKey Whether the shift key was pressed when the event occurred
metaKey Whether the meta key was pressed when the event occurred

keyboard events

Property Description
key The value associated with the key that was pressed
code The physical location of the key that was pressed
altKey Whether the alt key was pressed when the event occurred
ctrlKey Whether the ctrl key was pressed when the event occurred
shiftKey Whether the shift key was pressed when the event occurred
metaKey Whether the meta key was pressed when the event occurred
