following content serves as a personal note and may lack complete accuracy or
Minimal-Mistakes instruction
Useful vscode Shortcut Keys
Unix Commands
npm Commands
Vim Commands
Git Note
Useful Figma Shortcut Keys
JavaScript Boolean
Considered as false(falsy)
- false
- null
- undefined
- NaN
- 0
- ’’
Considered as true(truthy)
- []
- {}
- everything else except falsy
logical operators
Logical operator in JavaScript, you will get not only true, false, and also a value that you compared. For example,
console.log("JS" && "JavaScript");
Both are true, so it seems like it returns true, but you will get “JavaScript”.
In JavaScript, logical operators work like
left side of value | and | or |
truthy | right-hand side | left-hand side |
falsy | left-hand side | right-hand side |
console.log(true && true); // true
console.log(true && false); // false
console.log(false && true); // false
console.log(false && false); // false
console.log(true || true); // true
console.log(true || false); // true
console.log(false || true); // true
console.log(false || false); // false
console.log(null && undefined); // null
console.log("0" && NaN); // NaN
console.log({} || 123); // {}
You can use this method like
function print(value) {
const message = value || "Hello, world!";
print(); // Hello, world!
print("Javascript"); // JavaScript
In the code, value ‘ | ’ “Hello, world!” is that if value is not given, it will return “Hello, world!”(right-hand side) since ‘ | ’ operator return right-hand side if left-hand side is falsy. |
nullish coalescing operator
The nullish coalescing (??) operator is a logical operator that returns its right-hand side operand when its left-hand side operand is null or undefined, and otherwise returns its left-hand side operand.
const title1 = null ?? "Hello";
const title2 = false ?? "Hello";
console.log(title1); // Hello
console.log(title2); // false