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Minimal-Mistakes instruction
Useful vscode Shortcut Keys
Unix Commands
npm Commands
Vim Commands
Git Note
Useful Figma Shortcut Keys

1 minute read

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Programming languages used

  • python


QR code (Quick Response code) is a two-dimensional barcode that consists of black squares arranged on a white square grid. QR codes were originally created in 1994 by a Japanese company called Denso Wave for tracking automotive parts during the manufacturing process.

Using Python packages like qrcode, pyqrcode modules we can generate and read the QR codes.

Before we start, we need to install two modules: qrcode (pip3 install QRcode) image (pip3 install image)

and need to import qrcode

import qrcode


To generate QR code, need 3 values: data: To encode into the QR code.

version: Determines the size and complexity of the QR code.

box size: Represents the size of each module (black square) in the QR code.


data = input('Enter the Data: ')
version=int(input('Enter the version (complexity): '))  # from 1 to 15
boxSize=int(input('Enter the Box size: '))  # from 1 to 10

creating qrcode

Now, ready to create an instance of qrcode class

# Creating an instance of QRCode class
qr = qrcode.QRCode(version ,boxSize, border = 5)

# Adding data to the instance 'qr'

qr.make(fit = True)

# ready to generate the code as an image
img = qr.make_image(fill_color = 'black',back_color = 'white')

create image file of qrcode

Almost done, now just need to create the image file of the qrcode.

f=input("name it as: ") #image name'{f}.png')

print('qr code generated and saved in the gallery')


the size is not allowed greater than 3