Posts by Year


E-Commerce Website Project_3

1 minute read

Handle Items in Cart I made three buttons for adding item, removing item, deleting all items.

Planting Grass after Clone

less than 1 minute read

When you clone a project from github and push it, grass is not planted for some reason.

Django Deploy

1 minute read

Prepare to Deploy Before you deploy, you must turn off debug mode. Otherwise, it leads to security issues.

Django URL

less than 1 minute read

Create URL

Clone Level Devil_Warp

1 minute read

When player collides warp object, transform the position to position of warpTarget.

Clone Level Devil_Setting

4 minute read

Since it is really hard and there are so many things that I have to handle(physics, collision), I decided to remake clone game from scratch with Unity.

Clone Level Devil_3

2 minute read

Go back to Main Menu First, need to make a function in main file to run(). And for some reason, importing main should be in run function. Otherwise, it gives...

Clone Level Devil_2

4 minute read

Button class I am going to create button class to select stage.

PHP Form

3 minute read


Planting Grass Error

less than 1 minute read

If you use github, you may know when you commit, the small square will be filled green.

Post Images

less than 1 minute read

Finally figured out how to post images.

Converter Project_5

2 minute read

DBMR(Daily Basal Metabolic Requirement) is the total amount of energy your body needs at rest over a 24-hour period. This depends on what activity you do and...

Converter Project_4

2 minute read

Now time to create conversion factor class. I will skip the code for creating window. It just needs 3 inputs(value, convert from symbol, convert to symbol) a...

Converter Project_3

2 minute read

Now, I am going to create Metric Converter class

PHP_5(handling CSV)

1 minute read

CSV(Comma-Separated Values) file is plain text file format commonly used for storing and exchanging tabular data.


1 minute read

var_dump() is a PHP function that is used for debugging and displaying information about variables, arrays, or objects. It provides detailed information abou...

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GPA Calculator Project_2

2 minute read

We have set everything we need before we work for functions. Now we need to create functions for

Python Turtle

less than 1 minute read


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VSCode Shortcut Keys

less than 1 minute read

Command Windows Mac New File ctrl + N cmd + N Open File ctrl + O cmd...

npm Commands

less than 1 minute read

Command Description Example @version(npm i) Check version npm install pkg_name@version ...

Git Note

2 minute read



less than 1 minute read


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